Wellness Beauty Recipe Ideas
tightening skin -mix grapeseed oil with several drops of geranium and/or frankenscence essential oil. Massage into clean face and neck. It can also be used on the body giving a moisturizing and tightening effect and with a lovely fresh scent. Use regularly.
soften wrinkles - mix either jojoba or argan oil with several drops lavendar essential oils. Massage into clean face and neck. It can also be used on the body giving a softenning effect and with a lovely scent. Use regularly.
brightening skin - mix rosehip oil with several drops of sandalwood essential oil. Massage into clean face and neck. It can also be used on the body giving a moisturizing and tightening effect and with a lovely scent. Use regularly.
hair growth
crepey body skin
under eye bags/dark circles