Many of us, I know I have, find our feeling of safety from how one we are interested in treats us.
Yes I am speaking to those of us who arent married.
I received a huge revelation--at least to me on this - that i'd like to share:
So many times I couldnt feel "right" unless the other was responding or showing love and manliness.
However the revelation came to me that it is not really my dysfunction of excessive neediness that was causing this but the actual character of the man towards me!
Some men want nothing except to "chat" ---they are not iin a rush and arent interested iin solving your probles. Duh? They have lots of money and since they got used before they determine that the woman has to prove herself first! Thats soe twisted thinking right there and if you feel frustrated in such a situation---take heart!
When I started to make myself think about this I began to feel more and more annoyed and disinterested in that man.
But what really opened my eyes was when I met another man who acted lke a man!
The one was bold to state his intentions.
A manly man is one that is a leader, strong, and seeks to direct and help the woman.
Okay and I realize this just disqualified 90% of men over 50 lookiing for a relatinship.
Thats my revelation for you today_ dont blame yourself for a churning stomach cause you are always striving to see if man will express it ---NO
You will feel safe and cotentented when a man acts as a man and when he wants you.
I cant tell you how many ties I have bled myself out to losets!!!
And when a real man comes along and you feel oddly calm, take note of the difference in hiis attitude and intentions.
Dont say you are insecure or weak! No you are a tender woman and you thrive in a masculine presence and anything other than that will only be a heart ache.