Day one: what are you embracing?

Day one: what are you embracing?

2025 is a great time ---the time to embrace our stories and make them work for us.

Nu40 is all about the transormation and exploration of ourselves in order to discover our youth of spirit and also body.

What are you exalting in your thoughts today?

If its a negative emotion, its time to stop that.

"Exalt her and she shall promote thee. She shall bring thee to honor because thou dost emrace her" Proverbs 4:8

Here its talking about wisdom which is personified as a female.

Yes as women we have a unique wiring for such yet negatiive emotions and feelings can steal it from us and case us to become entangled in them.

So for today, identify any negative emotion or feeing and ut it to the side for a moment.

Notice that we are exalted and brought to honor when we embrace wisdom-pure true knoowledge of ourselves as created uniquely by God, mistakes and all.

Picture yourself, feel it , see it as you are without the trauma or problems.Perhaps these are all part of your story. They are.

Picture yourself as the woman you want to be or the woman you want to improve , not to please anyone, but to exude whats in there already, thats been asleep.

Time to wake up sleeping beauty. Time to tap into your gold.

Welcome to Nu40. 

Today is day one.

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